Unclogging Massive Lake Drain, Worst Clog I Have Ever Seen, Whirlpools Massive

The reason it takes off at 36 min is because the exit is lower making a vacuum siphon. Just found out what this man made pond was built for, it for cutting out ice blocks before electric refrigerators. This was for the real ice boxes that used a block of ice to keep food fresh

The excitement starts after 19:00 .I was fighting lots of water pressure but I found it easier to just let the leaves pass through by scraping mt feet and the rake back and forth. As I was raking it created an undertow moving crap from the bottom of the lake over instantly and that is what took so long, I gave this my own inspection 5 months back and the grate is safe but the underground pipe is not and It is in the process of failing. The rock I found may have just fallen in. This time I got before and after video of the end. A shovel would not work well for this job so stop commenting that

MONSTER flash flood, debris flow in Johnson Canyon, Utah on July 16, 2018!

Huge flash flood rips down Johnson Canyon with major debris plug from up near the Bryce Canyon area, including massive pine trees and other debris from the higher elevations. Was able to intercept this flood multiple times as it passed down the canyon. Thank you @rankinstudio for another perfect flash flood forecast and guiding me in for this intercept

More Shocking Natural Disasters Caught On Camera. Part 1

Unbelievable Natural Disasters — unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape!
Here are 20 more unbelievable natural disasters that were caught on camera

most brutal natural disasters compilation | power of mother earth.
worlds most shocking natural disasters ✔p1.
10 unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape.

10 unbelievable natural disasters.

top 10 unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape!

compilation video of nature disasters and how mother earth will finish us off… कैमरा में रिकॉर्ड हो गया नहीं तो कोई भी यकीन नहीं करता unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape.
17 unbelievable natural disasters. 4 unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape.

*No copyright infringement intended. Video will be removed if requested by the copyright owner.

★ DISCLAIMER ★ I do not own the anime, music, artwork or the lyrics. All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! This video is not meant to infringe any of the copyrights. This is for promote.
— Ignore list

Natural Disasters,Top 10, Infamous, Natural, Disasters, Disaster,, National Geographic, Disaster Planet, Tsunami, Caught on Camera, Deadly Disasters, Caught On Tape, Documentary, Earth, Natural, Best Top 10, Worst, Natural, 21st Century, Passenger, Plane Crash, Avalanche, Duststorm, Earthquake, Forest Fire, Flood, Hurricane, Landslide, Meteor, Tornado, Tsunami, Volcano, Mud slides, rock slides, flash floods, sink holes, Waves, Vulcano, Eruption, Strong wind सबसे बड़ी प्राकृतिक आपदाएं कैमरे पर पकड़ी गईं على الكاميراأكبر الكوارث الطبيعية اشتعلت Stærsta náttúruhamfarir lent á myndavélinni tubaistí nádúrtha is mó ghabhtar ar cheamara بڑا قدرتی آفات کیمرے پر پکڑے گئے سب سے Самые крупные стихийные бедствия, попавшие в камеру Samyye krupnyye stikhiynyye bedstviya, popavshiye v kameru Les plus grandes catastrophes naturelles capturées à la caméra 摄影机上最大的自然灾害 Shèyǐngjī shàng zuìdà de zìrán zāihài カメラで捕獲された最大の自然災害 कॅमेरा वर झेल सर्वात मोठा नैसर्गिक संकटे కెమెరా క్యాచ్ పెద్ద సహజ విపత్తుల

12 Dam Failures CAUGHT ON CAMERA

When a dam bursts in movies it might be a mesmerizing spectacle, but in real life everything is a little different. You are now looking at the largest, most technologically advanced dam in the world, with a length of 2,335 m 7600 ft, and even this miracle of engineering was unable to hold out against the enormous pressure of the water behind it! Today we’ll show you how this could happen. Here are 12 of the most massive dam failures caught on camera.

One of the Worst Man-Made Disasters in History

Residents of the valley of Vajont in Italy had reservations about a new hydroelectric dam--especially when cracks began to appear in the nearby mountain. Their worst fears were soon to be confirmed.

Watch the Full Episode with your FREE trial for Smithsonian Channel Plus by signing up today at watch.smithsonianchannel.com/

From the Series: Make It Out Alive: Dam Disaster bit.ly/2A13Q2r


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01:38 — Массивный оползень в Непале
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06:22 — Массивный оползень в Гейрангере, Норвегия
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06:53 — Концовочка

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