Готовы поспорить, каждый из вас хотя бы раз в жизни мечтал о собственной машине времени. Можно было бы отправиться в прошлое, собственными глазами увидеть динозавров, строительство легендарных пирамид и даже самый первый в мире автомобиль. К сожалению, пока что технологии находятся на том уровне, что о путешествиях во времени не может быть и речи. Однако, это не повод сильно расстраиваться, ведь у нас есть возможность взглянуть на то, каким мир был тысячи и даже миллионы лет назад. Нужно всего лишь сходить в музей! В некоторых местах на нашей планете хранятся удивительные экспонаты, которые, несмотря на не их возраст, сохранились почти в первозданном состоянии. Именно о них сегодня и пойдёт речь.
Детство — это удивительное и насыщенное впечатлениями время, которое все мы обычно вспоминаем с ностальгией. Отсутствие взрослых проблем и обязанностей, постоянные приключения и захватывающие открытия… Всё это мы часто не ценим и, повзрослев, об этом жалеем. Однако стоит признать, что многие также склонны совершать в детстве глупости. Ну, например, подвергать риску свою жизнь, лазая по деревьям и гаражам. Или не слушаться родителей и гулять по местам, куда лучше не соваться. Некоторые дети идут еще дальше. Насмотревшись фильмов о гениальных преступниках, они могут даже перейти грань закона. Сегодня мы расскажем вам несколько историй, в которых дети попытались совершить неуклюжие и даже забавные ограбления и были пойманы на камеру.
В животном мире постоянно происходит столкновение интересов и противостояния, которые выливаются в зрелищные битвы и атаки животных друг на друга. В этом видео запечатлены моменты самых необычных и удивительных битв животных, снятые на камеру. Приятного просмотра!
— Канал не имеет монетизации и не является коммерческим. Если у вас есть претензии по авторству, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу: podborkintv@mail.ru
조선 업계의 불황 속에서도 기존의 선박을 말끔히 고쳐 새 선박처럼 만들어주는 선박 수리 조선소는 호황이다. 부산광역시 사하구에는 ‘플로팅 독(Floating dock)’이라는 설비를 갖춘 대형 수리 조선소가 있다.
선박 수리 조선소의 아침은 배를 플로팅 독 위로 올리는 것부터 시작한다. 작업자들은 배의 앞뒤로 8개의 줄을 연결해 도면에 맞춰 미리 세워둔 받침목 위로 올린다. 두 명의 잠수부가 물속으로 들어가 받침목 위로 선박이 잘 안착하였는지 확인한다. 한 시간이면 끝난다는 베테랑 잠수부의 호언과는 달리, 독 사이로 고성이 오가기 시작한다. 개조된 배의 밑면이 도면에 반영되지 않아 받침목과 배 사이에 무려 30cm의 차이가 생긴 것. 당황도 잠시, 잠수부들은 4시간 동안 배와 받침목 사이에 반목(盤木)을 끼워 틈 사이를 메꾼다. 우여곡절 끝에 가장 어려운 작업이라는 배를 독 안에 위치시키는 작업이 끝났다.
하지만 작업은 이제 시작이다. 남은 2주 안에 배의 녹슨 부분을 씻어내고, 벗겨내고 다시 멋진 색으로 칠하는 작업부터 엔진과 프로펠러 수리 등 60여 가지의 수리를 해내야 한다. 제한된 시간안에 모든 수리와 점검을 끝내는 과정! 선박 수리 조선소 작업자들이 만들어내는 환골탈태의 현장을 찾아가 본다.
Well over 100 structures are explosively demolished in this feature originally produced for a 2003 museum exhibition in Amsterdam. Copyright 2003 implosionworld.com LLC
The term metalworking covers a wide range of work from large ships and bridges to precise engine parts and delicate jewellery. It, therefore, includes a correspondingly wide range of skills, processes, and tools. This time, we have searched high and low on the internet to find some of the most skillful and ingenious metalworking clips to share with you for you to enjoy.
Disclaimer: Quantum Tech HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners.
This episode explores and reviews the installation process of onshore wind farms. We have managed to put together a step-by-step guide on how exactly these gigantic mysterious structures are transported, assembled, and installed. Big thanks to ERBI, Peikko Group, LM Wind Power, DOLL Fahrzeugbau, GE Europe and, MidAmerican Energy Company for all the amazing informative footage.
We hope you enjoy this review of Wind Turbine Farm Installation!
Disclaimer: Quantum Tech HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners.
Well, This Katana took me too long to make and this was not easy to make it such perfect. Alot of People asked me to make Katana so i tried my best to make a perfect Katana Sword as i can.
All the Processes are below of making this beautiful KATANA:
It took me almost three days to hand forge an Iron Chain piece into a long Metal Strip and this was one of my hardest forging ever. I dont have a power hammer so i did all the forging with hands and turned a chain piece into an almost 33 — 34 inches long steel strip.
I started some rough grindings of long strip on my Belt sander and turned the strip into a Katana shaped long steel piece. I also hand sanded the edges with the help of file to remove almost all the roughness of the sword.
o. I made the Blood Groove with the help of rotary grinder.
o. The blade bevel was made by my professional angle grinder.
o. Hand Sanded the blade to remove roughness.
There is a professional way to harden a Katana and that is
Covering the whole sword in a Fire Clay (Insulation) Except the blade bevel.After that we put the sword into the fire and heat it to critical temperature. We use oil to Quench the heated sword in it. Now the Bevel is hard and the remaining sword is annealed. Tempering the blade is the best way to increase the Strength, Hardness and Toughness of the sword.
This piece is traditionally made by forging some copper or brass but we can also make it by casting these metals. And the purpose of hibaki is to hold the Sheath with the handle.
The Handle contains three parts.
o. GUARD: I made the guard by using a thick brass sheet, which is roundly turned into a beautiful metal piece that can show a partition between the handle and the remaining sword.
o. Spacer: This is the little metal piece which fits on tang and controls the fittings of the whole handle so nothing should vibrate in handle.
o. Wood: A nice piece of wood uses as a handle of the sword and that could be Wrapped by some soft (leather) strips.
Forging a KATANA out of Rusted Iron CHAIN
Always wear leather gloves while sanding knives. Always keep a First Aid Kit at your work place.