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15 авто найденных заброшенными, которые теперь стоят огромных денег.

Ежегодно в мире пропадает немало автомобилей, но это не только из-за угонов. Каждый год тысячи автомобилей на планете остаются брошенными на парковке около аэропортов, на парковке возле торговых центров, около медицинских учреждений
и т. д. Но немало автомобилей забывают в очень неожиданных местах. Даже эксклюзивные и дорогие автомобили могут оказаться не в тех руках, а потому судьба их складывается далеко не самым лучшим образом.

САМЫЕ ДОРОГИЕ ВОЕННЫЕ САМОЛЕТЫ! www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5RmGiPmbEI




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Павел Деревянко: instagram.com/pablo_derevyanko
Денис Дорохов: instagram.com/dorokhovdenisofficial

Нурлан Сабуров: instagram.com/nurlan__saburov
Тамби Масаев: instagram.com/tambi_masaev
Илья Макаров: instagram.com/ilia._.makarov
Рустам Рептилоид: instagram.com/rustreptiloid
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В центре сюжета находится история очаровательной Риты (Юлия Топольницкая) — девушки, выросшей в маленьком городке, расположенном на берегу Чёрного моря. Рита решает коренным образом изменить свою жизнь, чтобы наконец-то вырваться из надоевшего ей городка и избавиться от дела, которым она давно занимается, и которое ей жутко надоело. Рита ведет местные свадьбы и утренники. Маргарита отправляется покорять Москву, чтобы попытаться поступить в театральный вуз. На пути к заветной мечте девушку ждет много сложных испытаний. Впрочем, все их Рита умудряется превратить в весьма комичные истории.

Bad Day at Work 2020 Part 16 - Best Funny Work Fails 2020

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RAW: Police Chase Stolen Motorhome in Los Angeles [FULL VIDEO]

A DUI suspect who led police on a dangerous high-speed chase through the San Fernando Valley in a stolen RV with two dogs on her lap has been identified.

The California Highway Patrol identified the suspect as Julie Ann Rainbird, 52, of Winnetka.

The chase started around 7 p.m. in the Santa Clarita area for failure to yield, according to the California Highway Patrol.

Authorities said the RV was stolen from Giant RV in Downey. The owner of the RV, a Granada Hills woman, said not only was her RV stolen, her identity information was stolen as well. That information was used to purchase a motorcycle in Simi Valley. The theft victim was notified of that purchase on April 30, which is when she reported the crime to Simi Valley police.

The recreational vehicle smashed into at least six other cars during the chase, shredding the side of the vehicles passenger side open.

In the middle of the chase, one of the dogs jumped out through the smashed front windshield and ran off as she continued driving.

The pursuit finally ended when the RV collided into a car in Tarzana and the woman jumped out and fled on foot. Officers quickly tackled her and took her into custody as she was trying to jump the fence of a home in the neighborhood.


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Instrumental Core:


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Watch This Massive Landslide CAUGHT ON CAMERA

10 Massive Landslides CAUGHT ON CAMERA

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10 Massive Landslides Caught on Camera
Don’t be fooled; the world is a dark and dangerous place. And even though you might be seated comfortably behind your computer screen watching this video in your house, room, or office, millions of people around the world face death every single day.

One of the scariest and life-threatening events is a landslide. Have you ever been in one? Have you ever seen one in real life?

If not, then it can make you feel like the whole world just wants to eat you up and send you to the afterlife...and there’s nothing you can do about it!

Today, we will take a look at 10 of the most bone-chilling and fatal landslides caught on camera.

Some of these landslides are so terrifying, you can’t help but imagine the helpless souls that cried desperately for help as they spent their final moments buried six feet under!

10. Diexi Slides, Sichuan, China

Can you imagine the horror of being buried in a coffin and no one knew where you were? What would you do?
Be honest, you’d scream your lungs out, right?

And this is probably what happened to these unfortunate villagers of a town in Diexi China.

On August 5th 1933, a strong earthquake rocked a tiny farm town in the province of Sichuan, resulting in a catastrophic event that would later be infamously known as the Diexi Slides.

The earthquake was so powerful, that it triggered a landslide that engulfed nearly the entire village in mud, soil, and debris.

By the end of it all, more than 3000 lives perished; consumed by the very ground that bore them their food and source of sustenance.

Thousands of people were also displaced as many of the homes and villages in the region were destroyed by the landslide.

The old town of Diexi had the worst fate of all residents, as the landslide sank the entire town into a man-made dam that had been built by the government a few kilometres below.

Can you imagine the terrified look on people’s faces as they lay trapped between the dam and the landslide, knowing very well they were going to die soon?

9. Khait Landslide, Tajikstan

You might think your life is a gamble, but you haven’t played Russian Roulette with the Grim Reaper until you’ve lived on the slopes of some of the mountainous regions of Central Asia.

Just picture it, waking up every morning knowing that this could very well be the day that your house tumbles thousands of feet below to the foot of the mountain!

Perhaps this is what one of the thousands of villagers that awoke on that fateful day in July of 1949.

The Khait Earthquake rocked the Tien Shan ranges in central Tajikistan, measuring a whopping 7.4 magnitude on the Richter scale.

This sent the adjacent slopes in a frenzy, triggering hundreds of landslides that engulfed the surrounding villages in hard rock, tough soil, and...unfortunately, death.

In the Yasman and Khait regions, the landslide was so ferocious that it travelled at a blood-chilling 30 meters per second, instantly wiping out anything in its path.

By the time the dust had settled, more than 4,000 people lay lifeless from this tragic disaster.

8. Nevado Huascaran Debris Fall, Peru

It’s beautiful, isn’t it? We’re talking about Mount Huascaran, one of the most exotic Peruvian mountains that attracts thousands of international tourists every year.

Apart from its breathtaking scenery, the 22,205-foot snow capped peak mountain is also considered one of Perus most coveted natural treasures.

But behind all it’s glam and beauty lies a horrible past of death and destruction!

In January of 1962, thawing of the ice triggered a breaking off of a large portion of the north summit of the mountain, resulting in a devastating avalanche that led to the fatal death of more than 45000 people!

The avalanche, or infamously known as ‘Huayco’, was a devastating arsenal of ice sheets that eye witnesses claimed was more than 1 kilometer wide and 40 feet high.

There was no escaping:

And even if the villagers somehow did survive the trauma from the impact of ice, rock, and mountain debris, the cold ice that buried them froze them to death within minutes!

7. Huaraz Debris Flows, Ancash, Peru

If the Grim Reaper has a bounty on your head, then he will cash it in no matter the circumstance.

And that’s exactly what residents of Huaraz, a Peruvian city in the region of Ancash got to experience when they lost their lives in the hands of nature; a cruel fate to say the least!

In December of 1941, the residents were completely unaware that a retreating glacier tongue above the city would soon be the most catastrophic event in the town’s history.

Machines forced to Work | Overloaded Truck

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— Credits:
i cant find the real owners of this clips if you see that i have used your
video or somehow i used your work feel free to contact me i fix that or will give you a credit its up to you

i dont own copyrights for this clips
— Channel NoCopyrightSounds — NCS

Credit for songs used in this video:
— Shipwrek

— Unknown Brain

Chris Linton

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