Люди, Которые Пережили Невероятное. Часть 2

Иногда кажется, что удача не на нашей стороне. Но когда происходит что-то невероятное, некоторым людям везёт буквально по-крупному.
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Как Костя кинул меня. Моя первая работа в США

Теперь каждый желающий может стать спонсором моего канала.

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Massive Mudslide in Switzerland || ViralHog

Occurred on August 7, 2018 / Chamoson, Valais, Switzerland

«There was an anomaly when a huge amount of mud came flooding down from the mountains because of hail. People heard the noise 3-4 minutes before, this is why they are waiting, but they were not aware of the amount coming.»

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5 Angels Caught On Camera Flying 2017

5 Angels Caught On Camera Flying 2016

More Videos ► bit.ly/1Tvc4Ss

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10 Zombie Proof Houses That Increase Your Chances of Survival

In this video, we explore 10 zombie proof houses. This compilation is a good mixture of homes that would be a great place to survive if there were a zombie apocalypse taking over the world. The list ranges from villas in the middle of the ocean to converted-missile silos underground. This list has it all.

In the event of a zombie apocalypse, it is important to find a reliable water source and a place to grow fruit and vegetables. While modern day supplies are a great short-term solution, you will need to think ahead when it comes to surviving for the long-term.

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